CORPS SANS ORGANES ‣ Deleuze Edition

CORPS SANS ORGANES ‣ Deleuze Edition


Colombia - 2016 - HWS35CD

Mandatory piece of Technical Death Metal as it should be: fast, brutal and enjoyable. Throughout this album CsO exhibits his ability to ensamble songs including diverse structures, complex riffs, constant blast beats and amazing leads. Lyrically the band offers a conceptual album around the ideas of french philosopher Gilles Deleuze.

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“They are something different, and I like different. Especially when it has a lot of talent behind the music, and the production quality is great. They did an all-around impressive job with this album.”

DISAGREEMENT - Luxembourg (8/10)
"A lot of current death metal bands have great technical abilities, but few can be said to play technical death metal the way Corps-Sans-Organes are doing it."

“… very fast, heavy and aggressive while also demonstrating a great amount of talent and skill…”

HELL‘ZINE - Colombia
“… matraca ventiada al sonido más demoledor de Death Metal puro… Bastante veloces, una batería insaciable, un vocal que deslumbra, guitarreos y punteos muy sólidos… Una producción de alto calibre sin demeritar nada.”

HYPNOS - Italy
“…songwriting che da il giusto spazio al tecnicismo senza per questo andare a sacrificare la coralità globale dei diversi brani… piacevole sorpresa per gli amanti di queste sonorità.”

SOIL CHRONICLES - France (7/10)
“…c’est technique, brutal comme il se doit et les mecs font preuve d’une sacrée maturité… si l’on est amateur de technicité, l’écoute est fortement recommandée”

ULTRAJE - Portugal (7/10)
“… a banda tem uma sonoridade veloz, brutal e até satisfatória que une o moderno a algum sabor da velha-guarda…”