CUENTOS DE LOS HERMANOS GRIND ‣ Fantasías Desanimadas de Ayer y Hoy [Digi]

CUENTOS DE LOS HERMANOS GRIND ‣ Fantasías Desanimadas de Ayer y Hoy [Digi]


Colombia - HWS59 [Digi]

This terrifying story takes place in a kingdom ruled by a puppet who obeys the commands of a bloodthirsty dwarf. Thankfully it is just a fairytale and any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental.

Cuentos remain faithful to their modus operandi, straight to the bone Grind Death driven by tireless hammering drums and remarkable riffs. This album reflects maturity and it’s an update on production, with a cleaner and more powerful sound elevating the band to a whole new level.

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